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Thu Oct 24th, 2024 @ 3:33am

Aubrey Lux

Name Aubrey Lux

Position Chief Medical Officer

Character Information

Gender Agendered/Non-Binary
Species Photonic
Nickname 'AL' or 'Lux'

Starfleet Indentification

Starfleet Serial Number
Data Access Level
Security Access
Duty Shift

Physical Appearance

Height 177 centimetres
Hair Color Dark Brown with highlights
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description As a photonic life form, Aubrey Lux has the ability to appear just about any way, shape, or form if they so desired. They do not. Aubrey has made it clear on numerous occasions that they are a sentient photonic being, not a circus performer. They have made the decision to appear as a Humanoid of approximately 177 centimeters in height with an athletic and moderately toned body with some muscular definition. Aubrey Lux does not consider themselves male nor female and takes a loose approach to their fashion choices outside of being ‘in uniform’ when on duty. They can sometimes look more masculine and at other times more feminine although predominantly they teeter in an androgynous realm.

Their default appearance is that of an androgynous looking human with a darker skin tone. Their eyes are dark brown. Their hair is dark and textured, often kept short, buzzed on the sides with some length on the top. It is often looks as though it were contained with spray, gel, or other products. Sometimes, they add reddish ‘highlights’ to change things up. Lux is very quick to correct anyone that labels them as a hologram, a term they find borderline insulting given the sophistication of their programming.

Just like any hologram though, Lux does require some sort of holo-emitter to appear. Whether they be installed on a starship or facility, or be mobile, Lux does have this requirement. Their program can be integrated into a starship or facility, but for safety reasons, their program has a backup through a secondary hologenerator independent of a ship’s systems in the event of damage to the starship’s computer core or vital areas required for holographic technology to function.


Father Dr. Lewis Zimmerman
Mother Dr. Shona Dakarai
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Unlike the original work of Doctor Lewis Zimmerman at Jupiter Station, this photonic lifeform does not lack the personable interaction or ‘bedside manner’ of Zimmerman’s Emergency Medical Hologram Mark I nor the crippling anxiety or fear of its inferior successor, Mark II. Originally conceived by a protégé of Doctor Zimmerman, the Lux program was designed for uses outside of the medical field as an auxiliary luxury model for potential hospitality uses in the travel and tourism industry with particular ‘marketing’ aimed at pleasure planets such as Risa, Pacifica, and Casperia Prime.

With a can-do attitude and versatility in their programming, Aubrey Lux is ready to provide their talents wherever applicable. Hardworking and devoted, the program is accustomed to a sense of autonomy to make decisions for itself and does not take kindly to any attempts to deactivate their program to the point that Lux has advocated to control their program and its duration of running. Lux has earned a reputation for being highly analytical and quite adaptive.

The psychological parameters used in Lux’s personality subroutines have created a unique individual capable of interacting with humanoids and displaying robust social skills including even those of deception, guilt, and remorse. Aubrey Lux is more than capable of remembering important dates, special occasions, and forming connections beyond that of physician and patient. Beyond being a skillful surgeon, Aubrey Lux’s program has expanded into that of providing sound counselling advice and moral support with more than an elementary understanding of psychology, but a willingness to listen to the concerns of others.

Unsurprisingly, a lot of Lux’s lived experiences during their time on Sigma Iotia II have integrated into their personality including vocabulary and vernacular. Lux understands that it is 2398 and that the galaxy is filled of vast civilizations that speak, act, and believe differently than what they were used to, but Lux holds onto their ‘Iotian roots’ with their preference to 1920s Earth fashion aesthetic when using their ‘leisure time’ and still speaks in a heavy Inland Northern American of reflective of Earth’s Chicago. Lux is also a reputable poker player albeit one that overrides their ethical subroutines to become a bit of a card shark.
Strengths & Weaknesses STrengths
Well Organized
Extensive Medical Knowledge
Proficient Counselor

Limitations of a Photonic Life Form
Resistant to Change
Can be a bit judgmental
Ambitions AL as they prefer to be called by friends, or Lux or "Doc" to others only wants to be recognized as the sentient photonic life form that they see themselves as with the rights and the respect warranted to carbon based and other sentient life aboard. They absolutely hate being seen as technology, or just a program, and the term hologram is one they consider offensive.
Hobbies & Interests Mixology
Music (Particular to Jazz)
Gun collector
Avid Reader and Book collector (Loves Noir)
'Smokes' (Holographic cigars)
LCARS Wherabout Record The Auxiliary Luxury program and consequential files were stolen from Jupiter Station several years ago. It's creator, Doctor Shona Dakarai, a colleague and protégé of the renowned Doctor Lewis Zimmerman was declared missing in 2375.

Personal History Lux’s chief creator, Doctor Shona Dakarai had been working closely with Doctor Zimmerman on his Long-term Medical Hologram (LMH) program that Zimmerman began in 2373 as a successor to his initial Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) program. Zimmerman was focused on practicality and uses for his holographic creations in the medical and scientific fields whereas Dakarai saw an avenue for human and photonic interaction. There disagreements were often heated. Nevertheless, they continued to work together, and Doctor Dakarai had accompanied Zimmerman in 2373 to Deep Space Nine to interview Doctor Julian Bashir, Zimmerman’s ‘ideal template’ for the LMH. Though this did not pan out, the two made another trip to Deep Space Nine in 2375 to study the Vic Fontaine hologram.

Zimmerman had little interest in the Fontain hologram and its program, writing it off as entertainment rubbish. Doctor Dakarai, however, spent several weeks on Deep Space Nine taking notes and thoroughly analyzing the holographic coding and subroutines. Though Dakarai’s intentions were to resume her work with Zimmerman, it would be the last that the two brilliant holo-engineers would work together. A break in at the Jupiter Station holographic laboratory of Doctor Lewis Zimmerman had resulted in several files on the LMH prototype being stolen and years of Dakarai’s work being duplicated. She never returned and Zimmerman suspected that Dakarai was responsible for the break in and had tried to sabotage his work, go off on her own and try to produce an undoubtedly inferior perversion of their work and take credit herself.

Truth was stranger than fiction though no less fantastical than the scathing fabrications of Zimmerman’s egotistical mind. Doctor Shona Dakarai’s name would not be so much as published in a Federation journal in the years following. An LMH program with her name did not surface. She, herself, had seemingly vanished from the galaxy. She had departed Deep Space Nine as scheduled en route back to Jupiter Station though there were no records of her shuttle ever reaching Jupiter Station.

Unbeknownst to Federation and Starfleet investigators at the time, the holo-engineer’s shuttle had been hijacked and the brilliant programmer and engineer had been abducted and taken to the Sigma Iotia system in the Beta Quadrant. There, she would live out several years of her life as a captive of the capo dei cap of “The South Side” New Chicago. Her captivity would oddly turn into a romance as she became the moll of the boss.

Doctor Dakarai had continued her work on Sigma Iotia II, a world that the Federation failed. First Contact had been made 2168 by the starship Horizon, discovering a Minshara class planet with a pre-warp society of intelligent humanoids that were very imitative. The contact was made before the establishment of the Prime Directive. It would be the first of several mistakes that Earth’s Starfleet and later the United Federation of Planets’ Starfleet would make by the time Doctor Dakarai was taken there.

The crew of the Horizon had left behind trinkets and items that were intended to help the industrial civilization flourish. Instead, the textbooks and technical manuals only taught them about weapons of war, Earth’s history which drew a peculiar fascination to Earth’s prohibition era and the Chicago mafia. The Iotian population would mimic what they learned to the point of near idolization. Many advancements were made in the decades to come and pass, but at its core the Iotian society held firmly onto their 1920s Earth aesthetic.

The Federation’s visit to the planet in 2268 in an effort to clean up the cultural contamination that had been caused did not improve matters. The crew of the USS Enterprise under the command of James T. Kirk had attempted to move the Iotian civilization towards a progressive direction, one where the Federation would use their “40%” of the action and put the money towards guiding the Iotians towards a more ethical society. It failed miserably.

Warp capable by the mid-24th century, Iotia had suffered an economic depression and criminal activity ran rampant. Territories were fought over in a constant teeter-tottering of control by families. Contact with nearby worlds sparked intrigue by other galactic influencers such as the Ferengi Alliance and Orion Syndicate. An economic boom only caused an escalation in violence and a skyrocketing of criminal activities placing the world on part with the planet Freecloud without the technological advancements.

One area that did see significant advancement was that of holographic technology in the Southside region of New Chicago due to Doctor Dakarai’s work. Speakeasies and casinos were operated by holograms. Her most sophisticated work of art was what had been her initial prototype for the auxiliary luxury hologram that became intertwined with Doctor Zimmerman’s shelved Long-term Medical Hologram (LMH). Working on the program over the years with ‘acquired’ technology from Jupiter Station, the Daystrom Institute, and the assistance of a pair of abducted Bynars, Doctor Dakarai was able to create Aubrey Lux, a sentient photonic life form with complex subroutines and a personality that would have made Doctor Zimmerman shudder.

Aubrey Lux was utilized in the seedy criminal world of Sigma Iotia II as medic patching up the boss’ boys when they came back with some extra led, but Lux was no miracle worker. The photonic ‘Mob Doc’ could not repair the Swiss cheese holes left behind by Thompson submachine guns though the hologram had a much more successful surgical rate than Iotian physicians, and Lux earned a notable reputation for being ‘bulletproof’ which came in handy.

In 2385, however, the Southside’s territory was getting swallowed up by the competition. Northside was coming and they took out Southside’ capo dei cap. Doctor Dakarai did not want her life’s work to be destroyed, or even worse, fall into the hands of those that would turn Lux into something they were not meant to be as if ‘Mob Doc’ was ever the plan. Escaping the world by shuttle, Doctor Dakarai set course to Federation space but was being pursued by hired guns in the form of the Orion Syndicate. Knowing that she would not be able to make it to safety, she did her best to preserve Lux’s program, compress the files, and make a brazen attempt to send them through subspace to the one place she felt Lux belonged, Jupiter Station.

It was the last anyone ever saw or heard from Doctor Shona Dakarai, and the last known surviving piece of her work was designated Aubrey Lux in the files received and recovered by Jupiter Station. A team of engineers and specialists in holographic programming spent a handful of years in a restoration effort. When they were able to finally restore the program safely and stabilize it, they were met with a highly sentient photonic life form that was incredibly self-aware and had years’ worth of memories with knowledge of sophisticated medical practices including what some would call medieval surgical practices. It would be implemented by Starfleet Medical aboard starships to test its effectiveness as a medical hologram, proving to be more advanced and complex than some of the medical holograms in service. Additional subroutines were added over the years and Aubrey Lux was eventually acquired by the Department of Temporal Investigations.
Service Record